Saturday, January 06, 2007

not in Kansas anymore

It is an unusual 70 degrees for this part of the US of A, the Northeast region of the country. Our doors are open, the cherry blossoms along the river are blooming and our two cats have taken up residence on the front porch. They can if the sun is shining, even in bad weather, but today warm breezes are blowing through the screens. It feels like anything can happen. (Or we could all die due to global warming). Since we are anyway (going to die, that is), I say bring on the warmth.

Strange things are happening. My daughter decided to come in over her Christmas break for a second time to see us. I'm always glad to see her, but this time she seemed to really want to be with us and not a galaxy of friends. I took both my girls to a small restaurant near our place of business, a favorite of the youngest, and we went for "splunch" at around 3 pm, meeting my husband who was not too far away working. This is a New York style diner, and usually the tables are set with placemats, no fancy stuff. Well, when we went in there were fabric napkins and table cloths on the formica. We were the only people in the place, so the waitress asked if she might turn the lights down. The effect made me feel once again that I do not know where I am. The food was the same and the address of the diner was the same, but we had cloth napkins and low lights?

Life has been alot like that lately. Could I have guessed at this time last year that I'd meet almost all the closest friends I now have within the year? I just started attending regular recovery meetings in the summer and getting to know the folks there, started writing to Shaun in July, and these people are the ones that are helping me find my way through the maze of the prison experience. Let's see, there's an ex-alcoholic woman with MS, a British ex-stockbroker from Arizona, a female ex-drug addict whose been everywhere and done everything a body can imagine to get high, a woman who was labelled terminal with 6 months to live and that was four years ago. How do these things happen in life? How in the heck can a middle-aged mother of three in a small town have ever met such people except that life is strange and God is merciful...and strange winds are blowing.


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