Friday, March 16, 2007

winter strikes again

We had another huge snow yesterday, conveniently after the first one finally melted down from an ice-laden obstacle course to run-off in the street. Shucks. It's beautiful, no doubt, but March brings to mind Bo Peep and her little lambs of spring prancing in newly green meadows, not furious winds, blowing snow and freezing temps...again. I'm ready for early morning walks without gloves and a hat. I'm ready for bike rides in the long evenings caused by daylight savings time. I want to garden. I want to be outside.

I know it's coming. Seedtime and harvest shall not fail as long as the world turns, so says the scriptures. Ok. That's fine. Could we just hurry the seeds, please? I miss my morning glories, those beautiful blue-faced babes of the flower world trumpeting out the dawn on my fence out back. I find such pleasure peeking out the window at them on summer mornings. Last year I finally got the big sky-blue and cobalt bells to blossom after several years of trying. I want to see the honeysuckle I planted last year double its size this year and blossom as well. I want to sit outside with coffee and a magazine in the warm evening breezes. I want to hear the neighbor hood sounds of children playing, motorcycles roaring around the block, cook-outs. Man, I'm ready!

But I'm inside now, it's late and cold on the floor. Tomorrow we'll be drinking cocoa and shoveling snow. C'mon sun!!


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