stocking stuffers

As child I used to love looking in our stockings because the gifts had to be small to fit, and usually they were the most cherished. So here are my random stocking stuffers this season...I'm leaving for Philadelphia in a few hours to be with my oldest daughter. The youngest and a boyfriend are coming as well. So let's see, just like the Twelve Days of Christmas-I always thought that list was really strange, strange magic happens at this time and what I see as true gifts always changes. I have the gift of watching my daughter perform in a burlesque show. She designs costumes, writes skits and sings, and now she wants to act. A version of the Christmas story it is not. But considering the year she has had, this is truly something to be thankful for.
I am thankful for my son's phone calls, and the visit we had last weekend. It's all from prison. This year he did not request a safe pack of goodies and food. I left it entirely up to him, and he did not want us to spend the money. He's lost probably 70 pounds over the course of his incarceration, and now simply seems content with his lot, content to serve his time and be grateful for what he has. Small miracles.
Another gift I enjoy is my youngest daughter's enthusiasm about everything. Nothing holds her back, everything is an adventure. Part of me dreads driving to Philly. She's determined to walk if she has to. Her youth and love, and her cheerful demeanor never fail to make my day better. She's determined that no presents this year will make it the best Christmas ever.
I think about my husband's unfailing strength trouping to the dental lab daily, working long hours to support us. He rarely ever complains about anything at all, only calls to see if there's dinner. (He's probably grateful there isn't, LOL). This morning he delivers gifts to inmates at our local county jail. We assembled 800 bags Thursday night. That was my thing to do, and he willingly came along for the ride and the work. We finally had a Saturday morning today that did not include running in a thousand different directions right from the alarm.
Then there are the friends I have, people I love to write to, to hear from-a gift yesterday was a random early morning call from a dear friend, just to say hi. Then a funny card from a long time girlfriend with a check, just because. Kitties sitting in my lap or by my side purring when I nap or watch tv. A really cosy little house, made more cosy by a tree and candles everywhere. The movie I saw last night, reminding me of the true miracle of small gestures-just people being themselves and sharing simple gifts of love. As I get older, the past childhood pleasures magnify and resound with the same truth that made me so joyful to see Christmas come. My family is here, God is real, love makes a difference and it is truly more blessed to give than receive.
merry xmas to you too!
thanks for your support
shaun attwood
You always have it! Sue
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