
I was watching Jack Hayford tonight. I rarely ever watch Christian television, but I put it on briefly, and it was one of those times it felt like the message was directed straight to me. Pastor Hayford was talking about Nehemiah's return to Jerusalem by night to inspect the broken walls and burned gates of the city. He compared this to the human condition, how when God restores our lives, the center of worship, our spirits, are reborn and built anew, but we still struggle in the soulish realm (our walls and gates). No one knew that Nehemiah was riding around the city walls thinking about what needed to be done. In the illustration Nehemiah is a type of Christ, who identifies with our broken condition and works with us to rebuild the things that we cannot. I know I'm there. My spirit is glad-I know God, but I've allowed so much through the gates of my mind, and allowed my protective walls to be broken down by sin in my life. I was so touched by the way the message was put forth, that Nehemiah did not berate the people for being lazy-after his inspection he said, "We are in great distress". He identified with his people, as Christ does with us. Our great High Priest, touched by every infirmity we could ever experience, knows us and is our Help and Shield. It was not an easy job. They had enemies. The work was laborious. Family teams worked side by side day and night to rebuild the walls with tools in one hand and weapons in the other. They could not leave any one spot unprotected.
I've come to understand that my Lord is a carpenter of the highest order. The places my heart is broken down, my will not strong, my desires off course and my foundation cracked, He comes. But I have to stop running around looking for help in every other place, or sitting idle. I ask, He is already working, we begin the job.
Your blog is a place of inspiration for me when I need uplifting. Thanks for keeping our family in prayer.
Thank you, Diane-I'm so humbled to know that. I did hear from Brett, and my heart ached. One lesson I've learned from tragedy is how much we need each other.
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